November 2024 Newsletter

RRA celebrated 80 years in fine form at the Mercure with Chief Minister cutting the cake; Chris Steel MLA has been appointed as Minister for Heritage; Reid Park Sports Ground CMP is awaiting comments from TCCS; rabbits are still a problem; cats are on the prowl; how to deal with rising damp; garden plant escapees; a very notable resident Anne Buttsworth AM PSM with her contribution to the public service, Australian Women’s Archives Project, Early Morning Centre, St John’s Schoolhouse and the RRA; St John’s fabulous community fair; new seats in Geerilong Gardens with one contributed by Judy Patten in memory of John Little, long-term past president of RRA. Neighbourhood Watch stats; holiday reminders; AGM 6.30 pm 26 March 2025.

Special edition – August Newsletter

Special edition for August ’24 marking 80 years of the Reid Residents’ (formerly Progress) Association; celebrate with us 19 September – information by contacting; extracts from the first meeting and memories of living in Reid during the 30s and 40s; achievements over time; request for photographs you might like to share, Neighbourhood Watch statistics.

Newssheet June 2024

1. Review of the Nature Conservation Act How to have your say on how we protect native plants, animals and landscapes in the ACT. The 10-year review of the Nature Conservation Act 2014 (the Act) is underway. The Act provides the legal underpinning for nature conservation policy, management actions and protection ofRead article …

May 24 Newsletter

AGM’s guest speaker, Duncan Marshall AM, Interim Heritage Council Chair outlined the work of the Council; Reid Park Sports Ground Conservation Management Plan progress; JSCNET report A capital for all Australians; Heritage Festival RRA’s Conspiracies, continuity and connections event; Glebe Park under pressure yet again; Your Say Heritage report; history returns to Reid in the form of Sarah, newly residing in Reid, whose great grandmother Annastacia Sullivan, along with her sister Pauline Sullivan came by horse and cart to St John’s Schoolhouse; Neighbourhood Watch statistics; cost of housing is not new; Cotoneaster is classified as a weed.

News update 25 March 2024

Apologies for the late web version of the February Newsletter – it had gone into the webmaster’s spam & we, unfortunately didn’t notice it hadn’t been posted. AGM Wednesday 27 March and Reid Park Sports Ground stakeholder Survey open till 31 March

Newsletter – February 2024

AGM will be held at 6 for 6.30 pm Wednesday 27 March 2024; Reid Park Sports Ground Survey (Heritage Grant) please note the QR code so you can participate; ACT Heritage Festival 13 to 28 April & RRA’s event is Conspiracies, continuity and connections;

ACT Heritage Jurisdictional Review update; Bulky Waste Collections for Reid are on Wednesday 10 April and Monday 8 Jul; an information kit is being prepared advising how to rectify foundations of Reid houses; Crime stats; Reid Personalities: the extraordinary Ian; some confusion over the actual age of our residents’ association; Church news and link to Reid Tennis Club.

Mobile Towers and Our Grasslands

Here we go again with mobile towers, which of course we all need, being put on sites that are ‘easy picking’. This area has two endangered communities: Natural Temperate Grassland and Grassy Woodland and is being rehabilitated by ACT Urban Parks and Places volunteers and ACT Natural Resource Management. There are more appropriate sites for this tower and its proposed ‘facilities’ would significantly impact on the connectivity of this fragile area.

UNSW Canberra City Campus Stage 1 – Have your say on the draft concept design

Please see the following message from UNSW about how you can put forward any concerns and issues you have about Stage 1 of City Campus Opportunities to have your say are available through to Friday 15 December 2023. There are a number of ways you can contribute your feedback orRead article …