Senators for the Australian Capital Territory
Senator Katy Gallagher – Australian Labor Party
David Pocock Independent as Senator for ACT
Members of Parliament
Hon Dr Andrew Leigh MP – Member for the division of Fenner, ACT – Australian Labor Party
Ms Alicia Payne MP – Member for the division of Canberra, ACT – Australian Labor Party
Mr David Smith MP – Member for the division of Bean, ACT – Australian Labor Party
Members of the ACT Legislative Assembly for the Seat of Kurrajong 2020
Rachel Stephen-Smith – ACT Labor
Elizabeth Lee – Canberra Liberals
Rebecca Vassarotti – ACT Greens
ACT Electoral Commission provides comprehensive analysis on the 2020 Election results
QuickStats from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (Census 2016) gives an overall picture of the demographics of Reid.
People | 1,636 |
Male | 892 |
Female | 744 |
Median age | 39 |
![]() |
339 |
Average children per family | 1.7 |
![]() |
984 |
Average people per household | 1.9 |
Median weekly household income | $1,503 |
Median monthly mortgage repayments | $2,206 |
Median weekly rent | $320 |
Average motor vehicles per dwelling | 1.2 |
A suburb profile is available from Oz Property View
Australian Electoral Commission
The profile of the Federal Electorate of Canberra includes the suburb of Reid.
Nature strips/Verges
What happens on your nature strip or verge has the potential to contaminate the Territory’s waterways. The Australian and ACT governments’ joint initiative Healthy Waterways aims to protect and improve long-term water quality in the ACT and the Murrumbidgee River system. You can easily help!
- please use a catcher and add the grass clippings in the compost. Don’t sweep the clippings into the gutter
- if you live in any of the Reid streets (e.g. Booroondara and Elimatta streets) lined with deciduous trees rake up the leaves and mulch them
- keep a healthy grass cover on the nature strip so that the soil doesn’t wash away – it too contaminates our waterways
- remember that parking on nature strips and footpaths is illegal and obviously damages the verge by compressing tree roots and underground infrastructure.
There are other considerations to keep in mind regarding trees, weeds and changes to nature strips.
- many protected trees – both registered and regulated – are planted as street trees in Reid so keep an eye on them. Any build-up of material including grass clippings or planted vegetation around the trunk of the tree located on the verge can increase heat and moisture. This can lead to decay or insect infestation and a decline in tree health
- plants in the wrong place such as Blue Periwinkle (Vinca major) and agapanthus species ( praecox subsp. praecox and A. praecox subsp. Orientalis) also become an issue once seeds and vegetative matter end up in our waterways. See more information on invasive weeds at ACT invasive weeds and Australian Weed Species A–Z
Please also note that any landscaping or development requires a development approval. See Nature strip development application – For work approval under section 19 of the Public Unleased Land Act 2013.
The Registered trees are oak (Quercus lusitanica), plane (Planatus x accrifolia), lime (Tilia cordata), and strawberry trees (Arbutus unedo) but there are also many magnificent regulated trees that line our streets and grow on our properties.
Undue noise in residential areas can be very distressing. Please see the Access Canberra
Contact EPA on T: 13 22 81
Dogs of all colours, shapes and sizes are walked on the streets of Reid and we are very lucky to have access to the Reid Oval. This is an off-leash area but only when there are no formally scheduled sporting activities. Fines can be incurred if dogs are found on the oval during such sporting activities. Obviously dog owners are obliged to tidying-up poo so carry spare plastic bags to dispose of waste. Bins are provided.
Walking after dark in the streets of Reid is somewhat of a trip hazard as the streets are very dark. Many of the lights in use do not shed a particularly bright light often because they are obscured by leafy branches. It would be ideal if replicas of the original street lights could be installed in the heritage precinct not only from a safety perspective but also from a heritage perspective.
Many streets in Reid have parking restriction signs. This is important for the health of trees, nature strips and infrastructure. Please remind of these restrictions so your guests don’t incur a little brown envelope enclosing a rather hefty fine. It is also important to keep nature strips free from vehicles of any sort. Builders, renovators, gardeners and contractors should park on the street with appropriate approvals and for safety provide signage to warn motorists and pedestrians.
We would appreciate hearing from you about your concerns by emailing