Reid Residents’ Association (RRA) is volunteer, not for profit residents’ association formed on 14 August 1944 with the following objectives:
- foster an appreciation of the present Reid environment and encourage its preservation, taking into account the interest and welfare of the community
- support and implement agreed action on Reid community projects and interests.
The RRA is actively involved in highlighting and maintaining the history and heritage aspects of the suburb of Reid and its ‘Garden City’ planning design.
RRA liaises with both the ACT and Commonwealth Governments the National Capital Authority and North Canberra Community Council. It also has a close association with the National Trust of Australia (ACT) and ACT Heritage Unit. It also regularly conducts local activities including heritage walks and open house and garden inspections and social functions which are always positively received by participants.
The Committee is re-elected each year at the Annual General Meeting held in March.
- President: Marianne Albury-Colless
- Secretary: Robyn Bergin
- Treasurer: Roy Jordan
- Committee: Anne Buttsworth, Sue Byrne, John Henderson, Molly Henman, Gary Fan
Residents interested in nominating for a position on the committee of the RRA should contact an existing committee member to obtain a nomination form. Support for the Association is always needed and most welcome!
Annual Reports etc
The latest AGM report:
Previous minutes:
- 2024 AGM Report
- 2023 AGM Report
- 2022 AGM Report
- 2021 AGM Report
- 2020 AGM Report
- 2019 AGM Report
- 2018 AGM Report
- 2017 AGM Report
- 2016 AGM Report
- 2015 AGM Report
- 2013 AGM Report
Sponsorship & Supporters
The Reid Residents’ Association welcomes support from sponsors, that provide services to the community.
Click for our sponsors and how you can become a sponsor.
Donations can be made through the National Trust (ACT) and are tax deductible