Heritage Grant success!
The RRA is grateful to the ACT Heritage Council and the Transport and Community Services Department (TCCS) for funding the development of a Conservation Management Plan for the Reid Park Sports Ground. This will include managing the health of the trees surrounding the grounds and investigating the composition of soil, water management and drainage issues.
The Plan will guide the management of the Reid Park Sports Ground – its two ovals, amenities for users and any future proposals for development within heritage guidelines. There will be lots of consultation will all users and experts.
We are delighted that this proposal was funded and excited for the future management of the Park.
Pillar Posts second phase
Almost finished! If you would like to volunteer to help paint the name plates on a couple of the smaller posts, please let us know at info@reid.northcanberra.org.au. Gillian Mitchell, the conservator, will be provided training at 10 am on 29 August on the corner of Coranderrk and Elimatta Streets.
Age friendly suburbs program outcomes: residents have been heard
You may recall that the ACT Government held a pop-up consultation in Geerilong Gardens last October. Many of you raised issues about traffic speed and enforcement; uneven footpaths that have long been marked for repair; vegetation overhanging footpaths; dim lighting; and the difficulty of crossing Coranderrk Street near Glebe Park safely. In July this year, the RIOT ACT reported that the Government intended to build 175 metres of concrete path through Geerilong and Dirrawan Gardens.
This is no longer happening thanks to the many residents who expressed their concerns about the lack of appropriateness and low priority of these paths. Thanks to TCCS for listening. You will see improvements to paving at several bus stops throughout Reid and more accessible paths from Amaroo Street into St John’s.
Wood heaters
The Office of the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment released a report in January this year: Can Canberra ‘Burn Right Tonight’ or is there ‘no safe level of air pollution?’ An investigation into wood heater policy in the ACT.
It’s a well-researched and disturbing read.
Without endeavouring to summarise the findings here, it is clear from this report and others that there are strong links between wood heater smoke, air pollution and adverse health outcomes. It suggests that forthcoming changes to the ACT’s Human Rights Act, to include a right to a healthy environment, may lead to stronger action on the part of Government to phase out wood heaters. So, while wood fires are romantic on a cold Canberra evening, the health of others is something to keep in mind when you are making decisions about heating your home.
Update: Canberra City Stadium
A stadium in the city appears to be off the agenda in favour of a new or upgraded facility within the AIS sports precinct in Bruce as outlined in the ACT’s Government’s long-term sports and arts plan released on 29 June 2023 (https://www.builtforcbr.act.gov.au/projects/entertainment-arts-and-sports). It is still on the agenda for David Pocock who is promoting the idea that Parkes Way be put underground and a new stadium / concert venue and housing for 15,000 people be developed over it (reported in the CT of 2 August).
Update: Canberra Olympic Pool (COP)
Friends of COP met on Saturday 29 July to fulfill the requirements to become an incorporated association. Some of you may have attended this meeting; others may be interested to join their mailing list by sending an email with contact details to: friendsofcop@gmail.com.
The Chief Minister, Andrew Barr, has been reported as saying that a decision will be made before the end of the year on whether to rebuild the Canberra Olympic Pool on its current site. Increasingly, it seems that the Chief Minister would prefer a new site, saying that there had been ‘early positive discussions’ between the ACT Government and the National Capital Authority, which is responsible for Commonwealth Park. The National Capital Authority is currently reviewing the Park and completing a new master plan for the area.
This would free the current site up for redevelopment and there is pressure for it to become the site of a live music venue. Watch this space.
Update: Commonwealth Park Revitalisation Project
Talk of building a new pool in Commonwealth Park set us looking for details of the National Capital Authority’s review the Park. It seems, from the NCA minutes of 4 April 2023, that Turf Design Studio have made a presentation on the Commonwealth Park revitalisation project and that ‘the Authority looked at possible opportunities and drawcards for people to visit the Park, and the need for improvements in infrastructure to facilitate current and new activities’.
The RRA has sought more information from the NCA. We hope this isn’t yet another example of ‘park nibbling’.
2024 ACT Legislative Assembly election
Most readers will be aware that next year is an election year in the ACT. Since 2004, the ACT has had fixed four-year terms and elections are held on the third Saturday in October. There is already a bit of a buzz with politicians beginning to canvas community views. As always, we encourage you to let candidates know what is important to you and your community.
The RRA has responded to just such a request from Elizabeth Lee MLA outlining the issues that are consistently raised with us: parking, landscape maintenance and the impact of ACT Government planning decisions. We also informed her of many of the things we have covered in recent newsletters.
Reid Reminiscences
The RRA Committee have planned an afternoon tea for past and present Reid residents to enjoy each other’s company and to share stories of living in our lovely suburb. You should have received an invitation in your letterbox.
It will be held on Sunday 10 September at The Mercure Braddon and costs $20 a head. If you know someone who might be interested but who has left the area, please let us know at info@reid.northcanberra.org.au and we will make sure they receive an invitation. If you would like to attend, please book through Trybooking.com. We would love to see you there.
Reid Open House and Gardens
We are thrilled to see the fifteenth Reid Open House and Gardens event, in conjunction with the National Trust (ACT), on Sunday 29 October, 1.15–2.30 pm. There will be more information closer to the time on the RRA website. This is always a very popular activity and bookings are essential through Trybooking.com.
Reid Weed
ers This group of volunteers help weed laneways and parks in Reid under the auspices of the ACT Government’s Urban Parks and Places volunteers’ program. They have started work on the laneway at the southern end of Geerilong Gardens.
Well done!
Reid Residents’ Welcome Pack
We have a free welcome pack, full of helpful information about our suburb for newcomers. If you are new, or know someone who is, let us know at info@reid.northcanberra.org.au and we will happily deliver one.
National Secure at Home Day(s) 23 and 24 September 2023
For further information about Neighbourhood Watch’s National Secure Your Home Day see www.secureyourhomeday.com.au. Register to participate and receive a free kit with a home security checklist, property target hardening tips, evidence-based security measures and updates about community events in our area.
The RRA Committee is working in cooperation with ACT Neighbourhood Watch Inc. Further information at www.nhwact.com.au. Recent Reid crime statistics are below.
May | June | July | |
Ainslie Ave | Burglary dwellings Other property
damage x 2 |
Motor vehicle theft Other property
damage |
Allambee St | Assault causing ABH | Assault other | |
Boolee St | Assault other. Other
property damage |
Other property
damage x 2 |
Cooyong St | Other theft
Other property damage |
Other property
damage |
Constitution Ave | Bicycle theft | Other theft
Other property damage |
Currong St | Burglary dwellings | Assault other | |
Gooreen St | Assault causing ABH Other property damage |
Because we have a little space in this edition, we would like to remind you that we are interested in your feedback on what you love about Reid, what you would like to see more or less of, and anything else you would like to see in your quarterly newsletter. We would love to hear from you at info@reid.northcanberra.org.au.
Community news
Canberra Korean Uniting Church: 56 Coranderrk St, Reid
Events: https://canberrakorean.uca.org.au/
St John’s Anglican Church: 45 Constitution Ave, Reid
The Community Fair will be held on Saturday 14 October 2023 from 9.00–2.00 pm. There will be a number of stalls, including a large book stall, jams, plants, a childrens’ activity zone and variety of entertainers and displays. The RRA will have a stall. Books for the book stall can be left in the Parish Hall foyer (on the bench) on Sundays from now.
For the gardeners of Reid, there is a working bee to maintain the grounds of the Church on the first Saturday of the month, at 9am followed by morning tea.
St Peter’s Lutheran Church: Boolee St Reid
Events: https://stpeters-canberra.lutheran.org.au/
RRA Committee 2023–24
Contact via: info@reid.northcanberra.org.au
President: Marianne Albury-Colless Secretary: Robyn Bergin Treasurer & Public Officer: Roy Jordan Committee: Anne Buttsworth, Sue Byrne, John Henderson, Molly Henman and Amanda Reynolds