The ACT Government Draft Planning Bill is currently open for public consultation until 14 February 2023. The timeframe is very tight and, by the time you read this, submissions to the ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Planning, Transport and City Services will have closed. The LA Committee PTCS will report by 22 December 2022. Submissions to this Inquiry will be published The Reid Residents’ Association submission is #31. If you have any points you would like to raise on the draft Planning Bill or the District Strategy for Reid please let us know via by 6 December prior to hearings at the Legislative Assembly. Public consultations on the Draft Planning Bill: 1 November 2022 – 14 February 2023. Many submissions have requested further time be allowed for genuine consultation considering that not only are December and January holiday time for most people but there are multiple documents involved and the issues are complex. You can present your thoughts on the draft Bill and the district plans at up until 14 February ’23. The Bill will be the main mechanism for delivering a spatially-led, outcomes-focussed, less prescriptive, flexible planning and design solution for the ACT. For information on how Reid fits in with the proposed new scheme of things please see: Draft Inner North and City District Strategy Inner North and City District Summary & Map We hope that you get involved in this process because it has the potential to impact our suburb greatly. Bordering on the city, we need to be vigilant if we want to protect the heritage of our suburb and its values for modern Canberra. For further information see the following: Canberra Planning Action Group: articles from the CPAG Forum April 2022
City News: Paul Costigan articles on the state of planning in the ACT:
—————————————————————————————————————————— AGE-FRIENDLY SUBURB: REID As previously advised, Reid was nominated at the last election as one of four suburbs to receive a total of $2 million of ACT Government funding under the Age-Friendly Program to promote accessibility for older Canberrans. The RRA Committee has had several meetings/interactions with the Program Manager and on 29 October 2022 the ACT Government ran a pop-up community consultation in Geerilong Gardens. A number of Reid residents attended and provided feedback to the Program Manager. A major issue raised was the difficulty in crossing Coranderrk Street into Glebe Park as a result of the speed and volume of traffic; the other issues were the speed of traffic through the suburb and the lack of enforcement of parking restrictions. The Program Manager considered the discussions with residents to be very helpful. He also noted that Reid had provided the greatest interest in the program for this round of funding, both with the Committee’s meetings and attendance at the pop-up. Designs for funded programs are scheduled to be finalised during the first half of 2023. —————————————————————————————————————————— TRAFFIC AND PARKING IN REID It’s impossible not to notice that work has begun to raise London Circuit in preparation for Light Rail 2A, with the ACT Government warning the community of anticipated traffic and transport disruptions for several years. This includes closing whole/part car parks to become construction compounds, reduced speed/closure of city roads and traffic diversions. Please note that you can find out what’s happening with these changes at the Travel Impacts website: Reid residents have already noticed increased traffic through the suburb. Some is likely to be the result of the building apartments on the edges but also likely to be drivers trying to avoid the city centre traffic disruptions. RRA President, Marianne Albury-Colless, was interviewed on ABC Canberra radio about the traffic concerns for the suburb and the RRA has had ongoing representations with ACT Parking Operations as to the lack of parking enforcement within the suburb. Of particular concern, is the potential of damage to the trees surrounding Reid Park with vehicles churning up the soggy soil under the dripline. We are advised that periodically vehicle number plate recognition vans travel through the suburb but there are a number of areas where the van is unable to scan the number plates or that the ACT Government considers there is no perceived risk to public safety and decides not to enforce its regulations. This is a particular problem in Anzac Park West, Amaroo Street and surrounding Reid Park Sports Ground. Anecdotal evidence is that parking is hotly enforced in areas such as Barton and Forrest but that Reid, despite its proximity to Civic, seems to be left to cope with unenforced long term commuter parking. The Committee is interested in learning whether Reid residents believe that this is an issue worth pursuing with more vigor. Let us know your views and whether you would like to help by writing to —————————————————————————————————————————— ACT HERITAGE GRANTS PROGRAM The RRA was successful in its application to the ACT Government under its Heritage program for 2022 for funding to restore the remaining Rockite pebble posts in Reid, along with three in Ainslie and two in Braddon. It is a requirement of the suburb’s listing under the Heritage Act 2004 that the remaining examples of street furniture, which includes the street signs, are retained and conserved in situ. The posts conserved with the last funding have been remarked upon by residents and visitors alike and have even appeared in the advertising material of a real estate agent. You can read more about it in the Canberra Weekly —————————————————————————————————————————— COMMUNITY EVENT
—————————————————————————————————————————— ACT NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH The RRA Committee is working in cooperation with ACT Neighbourhood Watch Inc. Further information at Reid crime statistics for the last three months:
For the latest advice on the types of cybercrime currently impacting Australians visit the Australia Cyber Security Centre website at Unfortunately, with the recent theft of data from Optus and Medibank, identity theft is a possibility. Look out for these common warning signs of identify theft:
Please be aware that you can report Cybercrime at: —————————————————————————————————————————— NEWS FROM REID’S CHURCHES Canberra Korean Uniting Church: see St John’s will be holding a range of Christmas events and services to which all are welcome. These include: 18 December – Traditional Nine Lessons and Carols at 6.00 pm Christmas Eve – Carols and Pageant on the lawn at 6.30 pm, services at 9 pm and 11 pm Christmas Day – Services at 8 am, 9.30 am, 11.15 am and 6.00 pm For more information on activities at St John’s, please visit St Peter’s Memorial Lutheran Church: see for current news. —————————————————————————————————————————— REID TENNIS CLUB The Reid Tennis Club continues to thrive and provide a wonderful venue for tennis and building community. The club’s annual Xmas party will be at 4 pm Sunday 11 December. Reid Residents all welcome. BYO picnic rugs, drinks and a plate to share. Advantage receiver! Sue Willis President Reid Tennis Club —————————————————————————————————————————— RRA AGM 6 pm 29 MARCH 2023 Hotel Mercure, Ainslie Please pencil in the date – we will look forward to seeing you. —————————————————————————————————————————— HOLIDAY SAFETY Here is a handy list that’s a useful reminder of all the things to check before heading off for a good long break: We wish you all a very happy and safe time over the holidays ahead. RRA Committee President: Marianne Albury-Colless, Secretary: Amanda Reynolds Treasurer & Public Officer: Robyn Bergin Committee: Anne Buttsworth, Sue Byrne, John Henderson, Molly Henman, Roy Jordan |