Find out what makes for a good development application for a heritage site – 12 Apr 22

A must for professionals, developers and members of the Canberra community generally dealing with DAs. Prof Roslynne Hansen AM is an expert in town planning who will highlight the key factors considered when assessing the DA including any adopted guidelines and will look at some recent case studies. Date andRead article …

February2022 Newsletter

RRA AGM 30 March; ‘The Roaring Twenties in Reid’ Heritage Festival event 10 April; Wanted: volunteers please; weeds in your nature strips; Neighbourhood Watch stats; Reid churches info; Reid Tennis Club Rally4Ever news, summer of social tennis & time to register for competition tennis; Age Friendly Suburbs project 21-25; Preserving our heritage consultations; Neighbour Day 27 March; Limestone Ave Safety E-Petition.

Difficult Times

The RRA Committee wishes all Reid residents a happy new year. The last few years, obviously marred with multifarious crises including bushfires and COVID-19, have, for many of us, been very difficult. We hope that 2022 is a good year for everyone; however, if you are having concerns and wouldRead article …

Lock your vehicles and your house

ACT Policing is urging Canberrans to secure their vehicles and homes following continuing easy vehicle thefts. Officer in Charge of Woden Station, Detective Inspector Shane Scott has reminded residents to make sure their cars and homes are locked. ‘In October, we saw at least 27 vehicles where the owner’s keyRead article …

4th Mr Fluffy house in Reid

Please see Susan McDonald’s article about this very unfortunate discovery on ABC’s News Canberra family unknowingly buys Mr Fluffy house, sparking fears of further undiscovered asbestos-filled homes Interesting to note the recommendations by the Asbestos Task Force and Mr Papas whose house must now be demolished.

Newsletter November 2021

ARCHITECT’S FAMILY HOME SOLD AFTER 90 YEARS The house at 19 Currong Street South has recently been sold – a home that had been retained by the same family for more than 90 years. This Type ‘L’ house, built around 1935, was architecturally modified from a standard government house byRead article …

Petition e-petition 39-21 – to increase safety by extending Reid Oval fencing along Limestone Ave

At present, while the fence along Reid Oval parallel to Limestone Ave is continuous to the corner of Euree Street, the actual chain-link fencing stops halfway. This long gap in the chain link fencing provides a considerable risk of harm particularly to children and dogs who, even when parents andRead article …

RRA Newsletter September 2021

Another Reid Mr Fluffy house; Community Floriade at Reid Tennis Courts; a Reid Oliphant house sale; tree replacement; Are you killing our trees?; pebble signposts now ‘orphans’; clearing overhanging vegetation; Neighbourhood Watch; warning about burglaries & mail; AWM submissions; organ recital at St John’s; let us know about community activities.